How Many Days Till Summer? Alexa, tell us!
Travis Scott Travis Scott

How Many Days Till Summer? Alexa, tell us!

It's that time of year again! The weather is getting colder, winter is near, the days are getting longer, and everyone is wondering... how many days till summer?

Luckily, there's no need to wonder any longer. Thanks to the Blueprint Skills from Amazon, you can ask Alexa exactly that.

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How to Set Alexa Alarm with Music
Travis Scott Travis Scott

How to Set Alexa Alarm with Music

Setting an alarm on your Amazon Echo can be a great way to start your day. But did you know that you can also set an alarm with music? That's right, you can have Alexa wake you up with your favorite tunes! Alexa will turn your Amazon Echo into a smart alarm clock.

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How to Change Your Alexa's Wake Word in 2022
Travis Scott Travis Scott

How to Change Your Alexa's Wake Word in 2022

Maybe you have more than one Amazon Echo speaker device in your home. If you do, you might want to change Alexa's wake word on one of them so that you can differentiate between the two devices. Or maybe you just don't like the sound of "Alexa" and would prefer another option. Whatever the reason, changing the wake word is easy to do.

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How to Connect Spotify to Alexa
Travis Scott Travis Scott

How to Connect Spotify to Alexa

Learn how to connect your Spotify account to Alexa so you can play all of your favorite music and podcasts throughout your house.

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